Are Wax Melts Safe For Pets Cats And Dogs?

Are Wax Melts Safe For Pets Cats And Dogs?

Many people enjoy filling their homes with fragrances. But among all of our senses, smell is among the most rudimentary in humans. A perfume or smell can bring back long-forgotten memories. They can also change a person’s mood or behavior. Therefore, even though most humans appreciate odors, we need to make sure that our animals…

Which Is The Best Candle Wax To Use For Scent Throw?

Which Is The Best Candle Wax To Use For Scent Throw?

Are you burning candles for the first time? You may not have thought about the wax you use to make your candles, but it’s very important. The wax you choose will determine if your candle will burn evenly and smell great, or if it will quickly die out once lit.  With so many different types…