Do Scented Candles Keep The Bugs Away? (Choose The Right Fragrance)

Do Scented Candles Keep The Bugs Away? (Choose The Right Fragrance)

You’ve probably heard that scented candles are the best way to keep bugs away. But what if I told you there are other ways? Well, there are! Using scented candles isn’t just about making your house smell nice; it can help prevent bug bites and other insect pests from entering or staying in your space….

Where Does Candle Wax Go When You Burn A Candle? 

Where Does Candle Wax Go When You Burn A Candle? 

Candles are a traditional way to scent a room, but they can be dangerous if you don’t understand how they work. Wax burns differently than most other forms of fuel, which means that candles need to be handled carefully. If you’ve ever burned a candle or been around someone who has caused an unwanted fire…

Can You Use Candles To Heat Up A Room? (5 Safer Options)

Can You Use Candles To Heat Up A Room? (5 Safer Options)

Can you use candles to heat a room? The short answer is, no. Candles are not a viable alternative to using an electric or gas-fueled heating source for warming up your home. Here’s why: The short answer is, no. Candles are not effective at heating rooms. They may warm the air but they won’t do…

Are Yankee Candles Safe For Cats? (Candle Safety)

Are Yankee Candles Safe For Cats? (Candle Safety)

Yankee Candle burning is a relaxing ritual that many people enjoy. But if you’re in a home with pets, it’s important to be cautious about the candles you use and how they’re lit. Candles can pose fire hazards for both humans and animals when used improperly. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of tips for…

Paraffin VS Soy VS Beeswax: Which Wax Is Best For Your Candles?

Paraffin VS Soy VS Beeswax: Which Wax Is Best For Your Candles?

If you’re planning on making candles, you’ll need to choose the right type of wax. In this article, we’ll compare paraffin, soy, and beeswax so that you can decide which one is best for your needs. What is wax? Wax is a material that is secreted by bees to build their honeycombs. It is also…

What Is The Best Wax For Melts and Tarts? (5 Ways To Get Fragrance)

What Is The Best Wax For Melts and Tarts? (5 Ways To Get Fragrance)

Candle Wax is a great way to add personality and charm to your home, but it can be expensive. If you’re looking for an affordable way to decorate with candles, then melts are perfect! Melts are made by pouring liquid wax over a mold and then allowing it to harden. This creates intricate shapes like…

Are Bath And Body Works Candles Safe For Cats And Dogs? (Keep Safe)

Are Bath And Body Works Candles Safe For Cats And Dogs? (Keep Safe)

Bath and Body Work candles are a popular gift for many people, but there’s one thing that you might not know: They’re dangerous for your pets. If you have cats or dogs at home, these candles can pose a serious threat to their health. Luckily, there are ways to keep your pets safe! We’ll talk…

Is It Safe To Put Crystals In Candles? (With Guide)

Is It Safe To Put Crystals In Candles? (With Guide)

If you’re looking for some way to add a unique touch to your candles, crystals are the perfect solution. They have their special energy and can help create some beautiful effects in candlelight. But is it safe? Can you put crystals in candles? Yes! However, some rules must be followed when using crystals with candles—and…